What is ‘tap-to-view.com’?

If you scanned a QR code and are seeing the words “tap-to-view.com” in the URL or URL preview, it is safe to proceed.

This means the business you are visiting is using the qReveal platform to offer you a digital menu or price list via your mobile device.

  • This means the QR code will open your device’s browser (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox) and show you a menu or price list from a business.
  • This link will NOT install any apps or software on your device. You do NOT need any apps or software to view these menus or price lists.
  • The pages you view are transmitted over a secure connection.
  • These pages you view will NOT request any credit card information from you.
  • These pages do NOT track you for the purposes of contact tracing or any other medical reason.
  • These pages do NOT request any personal information from you.
  • There is NO charge to view these pages, though if you order food or services from the business, you will be charged their rates.

Your use of the pages are subject to the qReveal terms and conditions, privacy policy and cookie policy.

Create your free touchless QR menu or price list

Start with your free mobile touchless menu or price list.

Free guides for restaurant owners
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.